@article{oai:kuhs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000013, author = {山本, 惠子 and Yamamoto, keiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {神奈川県立保健福祉大学誌, Journal of University of Human Services}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は英国の地方自治体からスピンアウトした社会的企業(social enterprise)による高齢者ケアの「社会的企業化」について、ソーシャルワーカーの独立開業、ソーシャル・イノベーションに焦点 を当てて、福祉ガヴァナンス、委託契約の視点から考察している。 この事象の底流には英国政府の緊縮財政があり、その影響を受けた自治体対抗戦略をみておく必要がある。社会的企業はイノベーショ ンの創発を目指すが、その手法やソーシャル・インパクトは未知数である。研究対象となったロンドン特別区のランベス(Lambeth)からスピンアウトしたトパーズ(Topaz)は予防プログラムを通じて実績を積んでいる。主に公的制度の対象外となる高齢者のニーズを拾い上げ、相談と居場所づくりで孤立防止の効果をあげている。最も評価できるのは貧困地域で生活困窮者の声を拾い上げる活動である。サービスの変化を起こし、新たなニーズの充足手法を試行している。一方、最大の課題は中央政府による財政削減である。緊縮財政は自治体リストラにつながっており、自治体補助金に依存する トパーズの経営は先が見えない状態にあると考える。, This paper examines the changing British welfare state and‘social enterprising’of elderly care delivered by social enterprise spun out of local authorities, highlighting social innovation and private practice of social workers, in terms of welfare governance and contracting process. It is important to note that the central government and local authorities are currently faced with the absolute necessity of reducing expenditure. One response to the need to make savings is the increased use of outsourcing. Social enterprises have extensive contractual relationships with local government. A good illustration of a new approach is to be found in Topaz in Lambeth. The social work teams collaborate with health services and voluntary groups. The emphasis is on preventative work and empowering the local community and service users. Topaz delivers the services the local people depend on with value for money and innovation central to the decision making of the Council. The challenges facing Topaz are unprecedented but by being creative and open to innovation. Thus Topaz presents an interesting arena for examining the changes taking place in the civil society sector and the shifting relationships between the sector and local and central government. The increasing role of social enterprises like Topaz in the delivery and reform of public services is the feature of the changing relationships that has been given the greatest attention, but there are other aspects of social enterprises that demand careful consideration. Unfortunately Topaz has been characterised by a shortage of resources. We have a high expectation toward the social innovation generated by Topaz, but it is remained to be seen in that the outlook of funding is unstable.}, pages = {3--13}, title = {英国福祉国家再編と高齢者ケアの社会的企業化に関する研究}, volume = {13}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤマモト, ケイコ} }